Mariner of the Seas - Day 12 - At Sea

On the twelfth day, the captain again dictates a high cruising speed. We notice little of it. A sea day at its best with lots of sun, wind and blue skies. Very interesting: The captain introduces his ship for an hour with a successful PowerPoint presentation and gives insights into the work processes on the ship. In the afternoon we treat ourselves to the ice show again. Then we pack our bags and slowly begin to say goodbye to our favorite places. One last first-class service at dinner, the Schooner Bar again. Then a stormy night with a violent thunderstorm. None of this can harm the ship. It glides calmly through the troubled sea. Early the next morning we look out over the port basin of Civitavecchia. The storm has died down. Opposite us are the Adventure of the Seas, a sister ship of the Mariner, the Sovereign of Pullmantur and the Costa Atlantica. Incidentally, Pullmantur Cruises calls itself the largest shipping company in Spain and operates under the umbrella of Royal Caribbean. The trips are marketed as all inclusive tours.

One final word: the entire trip - 2.939 nautical miles - went without a hitch. It was really a pleasure to sail with the Mariner of the Seas. That should be repeated.

(Karl Beyer)